Because machine code only understsnd by computer in form of 0,1
and byte code not machine code and store in .class of java library it is at the 2nd stage of conversion and the machine code at the final stage and end stage
so byte code
under stand by any machine by the java library
not convert into machine code i.e understand by machine
kuldeep singh
The independent variable is the number of tickets purchased and the dependent variable is the amount of money spent.
The dependent (or responding) variable is the one that is observed and likely changes in response to the independent variable.
It is the efficiency of the machine.
The qualifier signed or unsigned may be applied to char or any integer. unsigned numbers are always positive or zero, and obey the laws of arithmetic modulo 2n, where n is the number of bits in the type. So, for instance, if charsare 8 bits, unsigned charvariables have values between 0 and 255, while signed charshave values between -128 and 127 (in a two's complement machine.) Whether plain charsare signed or unsigned is machine-dependent, but printable characters are always positive.
A servlet is nothing but Java code that runs in a container. It generates HTML & other contents that get displayed in the web page that we see. It is purely coded in Java, so the benefits and restrictions of all regular Java classes apply here too. Servlets are compiled to form a platform neutral bytecode (All java code is platform neutral, isnt it? Serlvet is no different). Upon request, this bytecode file is loaded into a container. Some containers (servlet engines) are integrated with the Web server, while others are plug-ins or extensions to Web servers that run inside the JVM. Servlets look the same as static Web pages to the client, but they really are complete programs capable of complex operations.
the dependent variable cant change the independent varible, but the independent variable can change the dependent varible. (eg: Bob wants to see if the new baseball pitching machine throws better fastballs then his friend. The baseball pitching machine(independent) could change a fastball(dependent), but a fastball(dependent) cant change the baseball pitching machine(independent).
Machine-dependent (generally called "platform-dependent")
When programs written in most other languages are compiled, they produce a platform-dependent executable that only runs on the same type of computer (i.e. 64-bit Windows or Intel Macs) it was compiled on.When a Java program is compiled, on the other hand, it produces a Java .class file that contains Java bytecode. That bytecode runs the same on almost all computer types because the Java virtual machine takes it and compiles it to platform-dependent code just before it runs.
Platform independent language means once compiled you can execute the program on any platform (OS). Java is platform independent. Because the Java compiler converts the source code to bytecode, which is Intermidiate Language. Bytecode can be executed on any platform (OS) using JVM( Java Virtual Machine).
Java is both compiled and interpreted language.First Java source code has to be translated into Byte code, which is done with the help of a compiler.But these byte codes are not machine instructions. Therefore ,in second stage this byte code has to be translated into machine code.This task is performed by an Interpreter.Hence, Java use both compiler and interpreter.
AnswerJava is platform independent while JVM is platform dependent. In Java ,you can compile code in to class file and you can run it in any OS without altering your code.But for interpreting class to bytes we need JVM .so it act as a bridge between your class file and OS. Now a days JVM is available for all OS.So Java attains platform independent.AnswerDepending on your definitions, no language may be truly platform independent. A language like Java needs a virtual machine to run the platform independent bytecode. But this virtual machine must run natively on a given physical machine, which means that the JVM in platform dependent. If someone tells you that Java is not completely platform independent, this is probably what they are referring to.
by creating a jre spesific to each platform programmers can confidently write code in any platform and assume it willl also work in aany other. theirfore java is platform independent as bytecode would look the same on any platform, however will be implemented by a diffrent interpreter for each platform.
native code is machine code each machine has its won set of istruction one machine's native code won't run on another While bytecode is what java produces and it can run on any machine. when we run bytecode it first get to compile to machine code and then get to run.
Instead of compiling to machine language, the Java compiler compiles for a "ficticious processor". A program called the Java Virtual Machine then interprets this on every machine. Note that Java is NOT an interpreted language. It is solely a compiled language. Java source code is always run through a compiler (typically 'javac') to be turned into bytecode. This is identical behavior as any other compiled language. The confusion is that Java bytecode is usually run on a Java Virtual Machine, which itself may both act as an interpreter and a compiler for the native instruction set the JVM runs on. However, the Java language itself is NOT dependent on how this bytecode is run - in fact, it is possible (and has been done) to build a hardware machine that runs Java bytecode directly.
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.
Java is a platform independent language.After compiling the ".java" file ,that will be converting into the ".class" file,which is a byte code having the capability run on any OS.Basing on the concept byte code java achieving the platform independent,it leads to "Write once run anywhere".
A JVM, or Java Virtual Machine, creates the environment in which programs that run using Java bytecode are processed. It does not itself possess bytes or bytecode.