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Ages depend on locality and nationality. Areas like Mexico and South America tend to have younger "beginning" ages for teenage tobacco use. Areas like North America and Europe tend to have higher ages because of the knowledge that smoking is linked to cancer and other respiratory and circulatory diseases.

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13y ago
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15y ago

most common age for starting smoking was between 15 years and 19 ... The idea that smoking makes people elegant was not a common reason given ... The main sources for the first cigarette were significantly different between boys and girls. ..

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14y ago

well, most people at struthers start around oh 7th grade and are pot heads by 9th grade.

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15y ago

I know people who started smoking at 8. I've never even tried a cigarette. It's completely dependent on the individual.

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15y ago

that i could not answer on a nation wide average, but i started when i was 16. i have friends that started as young as 11 though

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12y ago

It is because they think they are cool... other people do it... to remove tress... and to get more males (cigarette is bad for ya cuz your destiny (my name) will be in the grave).

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14y ago

You should never smoke in your life, not even adults!

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13y ago

actually 15 for men and 17 for women but i think in my opinion its not that your not supposed to be smoking, YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE STUDY! ARGGH!

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16y ago


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Q: By what age do kids start to smoke?
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How many kids start smoking a day?

Every single day there are about 3,900 kids around the age of 12 and 17 that smoke.

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