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Depends on where you live. In MOST of the United States, you may. IF you can legally possess a firearm.

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Q: By law can you have a loaded gun in your house?
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Can you have a loaded gun in your house without a permit in the state of alabama?

Yes. You can have a loaded gun in your own house or on your own probably basically anywhere in the U.S.

Can you keep a loaded gun in your house in California?


What is the law about carrying a gun in your car in North Carolina?

you have to have it where it can be seen, and it can not be loaded.

What you must know before leaving your house with a gun?

Know it is loaded.

What is loaded into a gun?

A round is loaded into a gun. The gun is then cocked and then fired.

What is a loaded firearm?

A firearm that has ammunition loaded into it. IMPROVING ANSWER: If you say "a gun is loaded when there is ammo inside it" you are using common sense. If you are asking the question about gun safety and safe gun handling, that's totally accurate. An "unloaded" gun means one that is fully unloaded-- no ammo in any part of it, even the magazine. But from a legal standpoint, if you are carrying a gun in a way that is only legal if the gun is not loaded, watch out for what your state's legal definition of a "loaded" gun is. Not all state and local laws are written with common sense. Sometimes, in some jurisdictions, the law might use the phrase "loaded firearm" to mean a gun that is NOT actually loaded, but for which there is ammunition within easy reach, if the gun and the ammo are not in cases or boxes. And in some jurisdictions, a gun that has rounds in the magazine but none in the chamber might or might not be "loaded" in the eyes of the law. So really, it depends on what state you're in and what the circumstances are.

What if cops find a loaded gun in your house?

That largely depends on why cops are in your house in the first place. If you are arrested for something, a loaded gun can be used to bring heavier charges against you. In some jurisdictions (Washington, DC, for instance) the possession of a gun is itself a crime. In most of US keeping a loaded gun is not a problem, unless a minor has access to it. Many people do it for defending against break-ins.

When was Love's a Loaded Gun created?

Love's a Loaded Gun was created in 1991.

Can you have a loaded gun in your house in Missouri?

So long as you're not legally disqualified from owning a firearm, yes.

What is a fine for a loaded gun in your car in WI?

I think if you are worried about a fine for a LOADED GUN, don't have a loaded gun in your car. Keep the ammo seprate from it, and if needed, you can reload it.

Can you have someone arrested for pulling a gun on you loaded or not?

The offense you describe, whether the gun is loaded or not, (hopw would YOU know one way or the other?) is assault with a deadly weapon. You may report the act to law enforcement and turn the allegation over to them.

What is the law in Tennessee for carrying a hand gun in your car if you have a cwp?

If you have a valid handgun permit from any U.S. state, you can carry the gun loaded and have it anywhere in the vehicle. If you do not have a valid carry permit, you must abide by federal transport law, which basically says the gun must be unloaded and not accessible. The best choice is unloaded and in the trunk with the ammo in a separate container.