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Deep South state of Florida and Georgia.

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Q: By 1860 life for slaves was most difficult in the?
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Who had the most difficult social life in Aztec society?

the slaves

What jods like for people in Ancient Rome?

life back then was very difficult, not just for slaves but for others as well. slaves life was most difficult because, they did not have one job they had many jobs, like; ~house slaves ~gladiatiors ~etc.

In predicting the future for the slaves freed by the Civil War what is the most likely answer?

Life would be difficult for African Americans despite their freedom. ---Apex.

What was life like in the French Dutch and English colonies in Ameraica?

Depends on whether you were Dutch or a native of said colony, and if you were a native, what 'rank', so to speak. Most natives were treated like slaves (or rather, they were slaves), so life was pretty bad for them.

What was the most difficult ocean journey that slaves endured?

crossing the middle passage

Where there alot of slaves?

By 1860 there were 6 million in the United States. Slavery still exists and today there are 25 million slaves in the world. Most a women and children sold and forced to work in the sex industry.

What made life difficult for the puritans?

life was difficult because they did not have most of the things we hav today

When were most slaves brought to North America?

Africans came to the western hemisphere not as slaves at first. They came as indentured servants. However, it was believed to be 1619 when the Africans were brought as slaves from the western part of Africa.

How was life different for urban and rural slaves?

Most rural slaves had to do hard farm labor, while urban slaves were usually domestics.

Who was frontier life most difficult for?


Immigrants coming to the us before 1860?

There were plenty of immigrants that came to the US before 1860. These immigrants were most often people from Europe looking for a better life.

What lifestyle did free slaves live?

Most, a horrible life of cruelty.