preggo preggo
You are pregnant more then likely
Bloating (full feeling), Belching and gas, Nausea and vomiting, Acidic taste, Growling stomach, Burning in the stomach or upper abdomen, and/or Abdominal pain
Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)
A constant burning sensation in breasts could be a pointer to breast cancer.
Usually, breasts get bigger, pubic hair develops in the underarm and vagina, and, you get cramps and bloating.
The first symptom is a missed period. Then sore breasts, bloating, and nausea.
bloating means to gloat or brag about something.
No. Feeling of breasts will not make them grow.
No menstrual cycle Sore/tender breasts Bloating Shortness of breath Cravings Heartburn
Yes those are two minor symptoms