Dial the customer care number of bsnl.....9422024365 they will ask you about ur sim no. and serial number each sim card has different puk codes you can search d forums in cellone.com
LOL that's the phone number for santa Claus
They are very different
There's nothing Nokia or a service centre will be able to do. The PUK code is a function of the SIM and you will need to contact your network for the code. Some networks have a bit on their website to find your PUK code. If it's O2 UK you can get it from the website by going to help > unblock my mobile > enter your mobiel number. If you can't get it from a website, just ring up the network and they should give it to you without any problems. The network is the only place you will be able to get it from though.
1. ICCID 2. IMSI 3. PIN1 4. PUK1 5. PIN2 6. PUK2 7. Service Provider Name 8. Location Info 9. ATR (Answer To Reset) 10. SIM Phase
how to get the unlock code for a samsung t105g safelink wireless phone it says enter PUK which is 8 didgits long. i have passwords for it, i just dont know what & where u can find it to unlock my phone answer: this is janky as ever you call the 800 number to talk to tech support and no one gets on the phone all i can say is dont mess with it like i didnt but my snoopy girlfriend didnt listen when i told her i didnt know whut a puk2 was and decided she was gone try to figure it out anyway and end up locking my phone and theres really nothing you can do short of getting another phone because the internet didnt help me at all so youll just have to go on safe link web site and get a replacement phone period...
AnswerA SIM card is locked by 2 or 4 passwordsPIN1PIN2PUK1PUK2PIN1 and PIN2 are programmable by the end user the code is 4-8 digits long usually you have 3 attempts to get the code right, if you lock PIN1 or PIN2 out you then need the PUK1 or PUK2 which is the PIN UNLOCK KEY which is an 8 digit code provided by your Service Provider get this code wrong 10 times and its time to buy a new SIM cardWell this depends on what kind of "lock" you mean. A SIM card can be password protected (usually 3-6 characters long) by going into the Security Settings on your phone which is usually where you can chgange your phone's lock as well if it has one.....if you enable a SIM password this password is saved onto the SIM card itself which is a good security issue because if somebody steals your SIM card they can't just simply put it in a new phone and be ready to go....they'd have to know your SIM password in order to even get the phone to fully load up and connect to the network. Another thing that can be done is a SIM card can be locked due to someone putting in a wrong password too many times....if you ever get to this screen on a cell phone call customer care because if you try too many times you will fry your SIM card which would mean you have to shell out another $20 or so.....if that doesn't sound like what you meant than to my knowledge the answer is no but otherwise I hope this helps