my tubes are like 5 days late for my period...I have been having a brownish discharge for about two weeks now,along with getting dizzy at times,i have had no pain...what should I do?
Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.
the brown discharge may be your period in a different color
No you are not
yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.
Brown discharge, is not really discharge at all. It's the beginning of your lining shedding or rather your cycle is starting.
See the related link on what causes brown discharge after period.
Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test
17 days late for this month's period, light burning and pressure in the lower abdomin, with stickey brownish vaginal discharge. plese help!
Brown discharge could be implantation bleeding or early pregnancy spotting which are both common. If your period is late, take a test or go and get a blood test.
yes. when u first get ur period it will mostly be just brown discharge. but when u get ur second period it will be real!
That happend to me on my first i guessed it was just dry blood in my discharge