Some women experience some spotting at ovulation. If you had unprotected sex in the days leading up to the 14th day, you could be pregnant. Have a test done if your period doesn't come or you had unprotected sex and are worried.
yes,as long as it is not bright red you will be fine.
Brownish then after few hours light bright red blood
What is your question?
any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.
Bright red period blood typically occurs on the heaviest days of your period. It is totally normal and does not mean that there is anything wrong.
yes its possible to have a pinkish or brownish spotting for a couple of hours to days around that time after conception,this is the implantation bleed
Im not a expert but I was thinking it was because the sexual intercourse you had the week before but i cant tell
That is called spotting. Women often spot the day before or a few days after their period.
Hi, Its not uncommon for periods to arrive 2-3 days earlier than usual. Yes the first day of your period is as soon as the bleeding starts, whether it be spotting or heavy flow.
Yes, it could be possible. Mine was bright red at first, but the next few days it turned to brownish-red light spotting. You should take a pregnancy test.
This would only be abnormal if the spotting on the eighth day is bright red. Actually, I have always happened this to me - bleeding for 5 days, not bleeding one day, and then bleeding bright red and a lot for another 2 days. What it meant for me was that I have an inverted (heart shaped) uterus. This causes the disruption in bleeding. At least that's what I was told.
Spotting is okay, but period bleeding is bad and if that is your case, you should see a doctor right away.