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You might want to check with a doctor

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Q: Bright red blood normal during menstruation?
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Is it normal to have bright red blood durning your period?

Yes, it's completely normal to have bright red blood during menstruation. You may also sometimes have brown or pink flow (aka 'spotting'), darker red blood, bits of uterine lining in your flow, discharge, and mucus. All of this is perfectly normal.

Is it normal for period blood to clot during menstruation?

Yes, it is normal for period blood to clot during menstruation. Clotting can occur when the blood flow is heavy and the blood is expelled quickly, causing it to clot before it exits the body.

How much blood does a female lose during menstruation?

The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 milliliters with 10-80 milliliters considered normal.

Is bright pink blood normal during mensuration?


Is menstruation blood ever supposed to be bright red?

It is bright maroonish red.

Does blood clot during menstruation indicates about missing conception?

No it doesn't. It is very normal for some women.Oversize clots are not normal. You need to see your doctor.

Where does blood that flow during menstruation?

It's not blood.

What amount of blood is released in 1 period?

This varies from woman to woman. The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 milliliters with 10-80 ml considered normal.

Is it normal to have bruises during menstruation?

It is normal to have minimal bruising during menstruation. Decreased estrogen levels during menstruation cause a loss of the blood vessel's elasticity in the body. This can cause small leaks that can turn into small bruises. Anything more serious or that last past the cycle should be looked at by a doctor.

Is bright red blood normal during menstrual cycle?

Not more than a tiny amount. Menstrual fluid is not blood, but disintegrating cells.

What is during menstruation?

Dead ovum, blood and uterus

How much blood is considered normal during a cat's birth process?

During a cat's birth process, it is normal for there to be some blood. However, if there is excessive bleeding or if the blood is bright red, it may indicate a problem and veterinary attention should be sought.