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Boots care services are most often available at boot or shoe repair stores.

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Q: Boots care services
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Boots care services are often found in stores that sell boots. These stores sometimes repair and oil or replace soles in boots. You can use a medication that is inside a blister pack for as long as the "use by" date is current.

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Cowboy boots are not made of suede. Fashion boots made of suede in the style of cowboy boots are taken care of the same way as other suede items. Brushing.

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Mold in your boots...?I'd suggest buying a new pair and taking better care of them.

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Prevention is the best form of cure, so if you take good care of your boots they will stay good for you. However, you do find them getting dirty try the website at She has all you will need to clean and protect your boots.

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It depends on the material and the way you take care of the boots, just like anything else. Over the years without proper care, they will eventually fall apart

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Boots outlets