Yes, given the same amount of alcohol and other factors are equal.
IT stands for Blood Alcohol concentration and the meaning of this word is to see how much alcohol is in your blood.
No it is not , the normal blood alcohol concentration is 0.000000
It increases blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
The blood alcohol concentration is a measurement of how much alcohol is mixed in with your blood. This formula is used to determine if you have consumed too much to be driving.
Which of the following could influence a person's blood alcohol concentration
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
2.5 grams of alcohol per litre of blood
Blood Alcohol Level ---- Doctors answer: The serum concentration
A blood test is the only way to measure blood alcohol concentration accurately. Alcohol breath testers (Breathylizer, etc.) actually only estimate the blood alcohol concentration.
When the stomach is empty, alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream, leading to a faster rise in blood alcohol concentration. This can result in people feeling the effects of alcohol more quickly and becoming drunk more easily. Eating before drinking can help slow down the absorption of alcohol and reduce the likelihood of getting drunk quickly.
BAC rise is a function of absorption, which tends to be about the same for everyone if their stomachs are empty. The LEVEL to which it will rise for a given amount of alcohol is a function of body weight and body fat.
No. It is the level or percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream.