Hi This sounds like break-through bleeding and should not be happening. If you have missed any pills then this can cause break-through bleeding. If you haven't missed any pills see your Doctor and do not have unprotected sex.
Yes, if you stop the birth control you can get pregnant, whether or not you're bleeding.
Hi, You shouldn't be bleeding for weeks after this incident. See your doctor and change birth control pill. It most likely isn't the correct pill for you.
Yes, unscheduled bleeding is a common side effect in the first three months of birth control pill use. Continue taking your pills as scheduled.
Bleeding between periods is common in the initial weeks of using hormonal birth control. It normally settles down within three cycles. If it lasts longer or is bothersome, talk to your health care provider about changing formulas.
It is common to have breakthrough bleeding in the first three cycles of pill use. It normally gets better with time.
Unscheduled bleeding on the birth control pill is more likely if you missed pills, if you're in your first three months of pills, or if you're taking medications or herbs that interfere with the pill (e.g. St. John's Wort). If the bleeding happens again, is troublesome to you, or is accompanied by pain, painful urination, or unusual vaginal discharge, contact your health care provider.
That little bleeding was probably implantation bleeding, I would guess you are about 4 weeks pregnant. ~pawsalmighty
This is very normal since everyone reacts to birth control differently. If you do not stop bleeding and want to try something else you can talk to your doctor about trying a different birth control method.
you should talk to your health care practitioner.
Many answers, but many questions. how old are you? Bleeding may be fibroids Bleeding may be too low a dose a hormone in the pill you are taking Bleeding may be spontaneous abortion Worst Case... Bleeding may be cancer. Go to a doctor. speak with them.
That's normal. Just as stopping the active pills (typically after three weeks) leads to period-like withdrawal bleeding, stopping your birth control pills at any time in the cycle may lead to period-like withdrawal bleeding.