It you like her? If you do just be sweet to her and do nice things for her. Compliment her and just keep the conversations going..
What ever you did, say that you are very sorry and you didnt mean to hurt her and you will never do it again and say lots of nice things about her.
There are many nice things you can say to a girl who you like for example you tell her that you like for what she is. You can add all those things which you have seen in her and like them like her behavior, her smile , her physical attributes and much more which you know best because you have seen her and you like her.
It is best not to say I love you right there out in front when asking her out because you never know if she has the same feelings or any feelings for you at all. Its just best to say when asking out a girl things like "I really like you" or "I think your really pretty" or just say that you like the way she is. =)
If you have a fight it is best not to say many mean things, say sorry the day after and don't worry about what the other people think of you.
That she's important
Why girl friend say negative things about her sexual life
There are many things that you say to the girl that you love. You can tell her you love her tell her what makes her happy.
* You look nice * How are you doing * your kind
Just say I'm a good girl, easy but you can't break the law and say that you are a good girl. Do some really good things then say I'm a good girl. I hope I've answered your question.
say she is just a friend
Answer I'm sure you can find some nice things to say to a woman or girl such as, my you look really good today, or did you do something special to your hair, it really shines, things like that should do.