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Bad news is there is no special food, rapid weight loss plan, or single all-important exercise that will specifically target the belly fat. Good news is - belly fat is the first to go. The type of fat stored in your belly has a higher metabolism than fat stored elsewhere in your body. The best way to lose belly fat is to eat a daily diet rich in whole grains, balanced with two servings of meat/fish, three servings of dairy, and five servings of fruits/vegetables.

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Q: Best diet for belly fat
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What is the safest way to complete the belly fat diet?

The best way to complete the belly fat diet is to identify the foods that create fat and the food that help burn fat. You should also take fiber, exercise regularly and cut your calories.

Does the Belly Fat Diet Really Burn Belly Fat?

Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.

What is meant by belly fat diet?

When people talk about belly fat diets they are talking about a diet that is designed to specifically target a person's belly fat. This is the excess fat that develops around the abdomen or stomach region.

Is the flex belt effective for belly fat?

This device has no known beneficial results. The best belly buster is diet and exercise, such as crunches.

Where can i find the cure to belly fat?

You are supposed to lose four to nine pounds each week on the Belly Fat Diet. Information is provided at the following:

What is the cure to a fat belly?

The best way to cure a fat belly is to work out and change your diet. Choose healthy food over fat food. You can get some medical help if you don't manage on your own.

Will wrapping abdomen with plastic bag help lose belly fat?

No, that's just a myth. The best way to lose excess belly fat is a reduced-calorie diet combined with regular exercise.

What is the belly fat diet?

Jorge Cruise has written several books devoted to belly fat loss. Read a review of this latest book.Also, for more information about foods that help to lose or avoid belly fat, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How do you lose belly fat without changing your diet?

exerxise or take diet pills

Where can I find Dr. Oz belly fat?

Dr. Oz's belly fat diet can be found on his official website. Go to his website and check his diet section for recommendations or links to other resources. Check his website for archives on show clips that pertain to the belly fat diet as it has been mentioned more than once.

Can you go on a diet to lose belly fat effectively?

this depends on a persons body type, a simple diet will not reduce a persons belly fat by itself it must be accompanied by an appropriate amount of exercise