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Alcohol is classified as a depressant.

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Q: Because alcohol slows down the brain it is classified as a?
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How does alcohol affect the mind?

It temporarily slows the operation of the brain.

What happens to your brain when you drink alcohol?

It slows the bodys functions

What does alcohol do to brain?

Drinking alcohol temporarily slows the actions of the brain. When consumed regularly in moderation, alcohol reduces the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

Why is alcohol considered a depressant?

Alcohol is considered a depressant because it slows down the central nervous system, leading to decreased brain activity and a feeling of relaxation or sedation.

Medical researchers have found that drinking alcohol of any sort?

A)Slows reflexes B)Heightens judgment C)Decreases forgetfulness D)Reduces risk-taking behaviors The answer is A, because alcohol is a depressant it slows down to your brain function.

What is the classification of Alcoholism?

Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it slows (depresses) the actions of and within the body. This confuses many people who think that its classification as a depressant means that alcohol makes people depressed, which it doesn't.

Can the brain replace cells destroyed by alcohol?

Nerve cells do not regenerate, regardless of how they are damaged.

Alcohol and other drugs affect the nerve cells within the brain.?

Drinking alcohol, even in excessive amounts, does not kill brain cells. However, alcohol slows our reactions, respiration, heart rate, etc.

How does alcohol interrupt pain?

Pain signals are carried to the brain from the spinal cord through nerves. Alcohol slows down the brain and central nervous system, allowing a pain relief.

Is alcohol a stimlint?

Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant. It slows down the central nervous system, leading to a decrease in brain function and reaction time.

How does alcohol affect someone?

Alcohol is a depressant. That means it slows down everything in your body - including your brain. It also slows down your moral filter - your "conscience" - that keeps you from doing things you know are wrong or dangerous. When you drink, you're more likely to do stupid, dangerous, or improper things because of this.

How does alcohol interrupt pain signals?

Pain signals are carried to the brain from the spinal cord through nerves. Alcohol slows down the brain and central nervous system, allowing a pain relief.