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8mo ago

Basal bodies are most closely associated with centrioles and cilia/flagella in eukaryotic cells. They are involved in the organization of microtubules and play a role in cell division, motility, and cellular organization.

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Q: Basal bodies are most closely associated with which one what cell components?
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Basal bodies are most closely associated with which of the following cell components?

Basal bodies are most closely associated with cilia and flagella in eukaryotic cells. They serve as the base for the growth and extension of these cellular appendages.

What organelle gives rise to basal bodies?

The centriole is the organelle that gives rise to basal bodies. Basal bodies are associated with the microtubule organization within cilia and flagella.

Does the cerebral and basal ganglia is same?

Not really. Basal ganglia are a grouping of nerve cell bodies that are associated with various parts of the brain, mostly for sensory input, and one of these associations is the cerbrum.

What organelles are identical to centrioles?

Basal bodies found in eukaryotic cells are identical to centrioles in terms of structure and function. Basal bodies are involved in organizing microtubules within the cell, playing a role in cell division and the formation of cilia and flagella.

Identical in structure to centrioles?

Basal bodies

What are identical in structure to centrioles.?

Basal bodies

What forms the basal bodies of cilia?

Centriole and Microtubules

What are the two rod shaped bodies by the basis of the cilia?

The two rod-shaped bodies at the base of cilia are called basal bodies. Basal bodies act as anchoring points for the cilia and are involved in the organization and control of ciliary movement.

Basal bodies that form cilia and flagella originate from?

Basal bodies that give rise to cilia and flagella originate from centrioles in animal cells. These centrioles duplicate during the cell cycle and migrate to the cell membrane, where they mature into basal bodies and nucleate the growth of cilia or flagella.

Which cell part has an identical structure to a centriole?

Basal bodies

How are basal bodies and centrioles the same?

Basal bodies and centrioles are similar in structure and function. Both are cylindrical structures composed of microtubules and play a role in organizing the microtubules in the cell. Basal bodies are found in the base of cilia and flagella, while centrioles are found in pairs near the nucleus and are involved in cell division.

Where are the basal ganglia located in vertebrates?

In vertebrates the basal ganglia is located in the base of the forebrain. The basal ganglia is associated with a variety of functions such as voluntary motor control, eye habits and emotional functions.