It depends on the condition it's in, but i would say it's worth around 1,235 dollars U.S
Ps. I never heard about a gold trigger one but it could bring up the price.
Not enough information
You can tell if you have a Browning Gold Medallion Boss Rifle by looking at the stamp on the barrel. It lists the model of the rifle as well as its serial number.
Depending on condition, 250-750 USD.
4 to 6 hundred
What you describe does not exist.
You can purchase browing gun parts directly from Browning's warehouse and repair facility in Arnold, Missouri.
You can tell if you have a Browning Gold Medallion 7mm Mag Bos rifle by checking the stamp on the side of the barrel. It will list the model, serial number, and where it was manufactured.
Which model?
To tell if you have a Browning Gold Medallion 7 mm mag, you can compare this rifle to the Browning rifles pictures on websites like GunsAmerica. Make sure you have a bolt action rifle with a Browning markings on the buttstock and on the bolt.
$3oo-350+ depending on condition
What is the value of a Winchester Centinnial 30-30 Rifle Model '66 With hex barrel and gold plated chamber What is the value of a Winchester Centinnial 30-30 Rifle Model '66 With hex barrel and gold plated chamber