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Underarm hair begins to grow at around the age of 11-16 years old.

Everyone develops differently and at different times.

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Q: At what age armpit hair grow for girls?
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What age do you get armpit hair?

It is not about how old you need to be but how far you have grown into Puberty. Puberty is the stage when armpit hair and pubic hair begins. Each child is different so age has little bearing on it, although puberty can begin around 10 years old for girls and 12 years old for boys so not long after.

How can you increase your armpit hair?

well,,, i dont know but when you first get armpit hair at beginning of puberty and shave it, it grows back super fast and darker

Male armpit hair?

Some do, and some don't. It's a matter of personal choice.

Is a 10 year old supposed to have armpit hair?

Normally probably not, some boys once they reach their stage of growth usually begin growing hair then, but sometimes a boy doesn't grow armpit hair until older age. I am not sure if you got it from your dad(genes/heredity) or not, but usually boys shouldn't have armpit hair in such an early year.

What average girl age have armpit hair?


What age do most girls get armpit hair?

The average age is around 12 years old. Sometimes it comes sooner, other times later. Usually around the age females hit puberty.

How old are girls when they grow hair on they're armpits?

Well i am 11 and i started growing hair a month after i turned 11, so probably my age, or like end of when your ten, depends how quickly you mature, some people might get armpit hair when there older like 12, 13 some may mature younger, like 11,10.

You have hairs on your penis but not under your arms?

Hey. Well I developed pubic hair at age 11. It was blond then at the age of 12 it went brown. The same happens with your armpit hair except it comes later. My armpit hair came through blond at age 13 and went brown at age 14. Under arm hair usually develops later in puberty.

Why don't boys grow hair as girls do?

Boys do grow hair as girls do, in all the same places and more. Once puberty begins then hair starts to grow under arms, in the pubic area of the groin and on the face if you are a boy. Not all children grow hair at the same ages so many will start after others of the same age. Each are individual with individual growth rates.

What age do you grow arm pit hair at?

It depends. Each person is different. It usually depends on the climate of your ancestors. For instance, Italians had hair to protect them from the sun. Same with Middle Eastern people. However, Asians who live in slightly colder climates, have barely any hair. On average, armpit hair will start growing at age 12 for people on the hairier side. For not so hairy not so smooth people, it will grow around age 13, 14, or 15. For Asians and non-hairy people, it grows around age 16 to 18. When you reach puberty. 11 years to 14 on average for girls/boys.

What age does hair grow on girls vaginia?

all different ages. most kids start when they are 10. i think.

Does Leo howard have hair arm?

I think that leo Howard does have armpit hair because he is a teenager and most teens at his age have the begging of hair on the body