At age 8, a child's reproductive organs, including the vagina, are not fully developed. The vagina undergoes significant changes during puberty, typically between the ages of 9 to 16, as part of the overall process of sexual maturation. It is important to remember that each individual's development timeline may vary, and any concerns about development should be addressed with a healthcare provider.
They're fully grown at around 8 months of age, or up to one year of age, but they are only considered to really be an adult dog when they are two years of age.
Horses are not fully grown until they are at least 5 or 6 years old and sometimes up until they are 8 years of age. The age of maturity can vary slightly from breed to breed, but 5 years is the bare minimum.
By about 8 weeks, owls are fully grown.
A horse usually reaches its full height by age 5 and is grown enough to do the most strenuous work they will ever be asked to do. However, horses are still developing until 7 or 8.
they can be 7-8 feet long.
Usually at 8 or nine months of age they are done growing.
A fully grown sloth can range in size from about 15 to 30 inches in length and can weigh between 8 to 20 pounds, depending on the species.
Male guinea pigs can succesfully imprenate a female guinea pig at (I believe)only 8 weeks of age, however it takes about 9 months for the guinea pig to be fully grown.
A gerbil is full grown by 6 months old and measures 7-8 inches including the tail.
Lionhead rabbits grow between 2 and 6.5 lbs. My Lionhead is about 2 lbs, but she is definitely on the smaller end of the scale. Check online and you can actually see pictures of these pretty bunnies.
I've heard they are full grown around 4-6 weeks, and they get their full set of adult feathers about 8-10 weeks.
The weight of a fully grown chicken can vary depending on the breed, but on average, they typically weigh between 5 to 8 pounds (2.3 to 3.6 kg).