For guns not mounted in a turret, this would likely be a Splinter Shield (protects from shell splinters)
Larger guns may be fully enclosed in a TURRET, but smaller guns may have a simple SPLINTER SHIELD to help protect the crew serving that gun from shell splinters, or small arms fire
A housecarl is a heavily armoured elite troop who fights with a spear and a teardrop shaped shield.
The battleship wasn't really invented in one stroke. Ships of war evolved from wood to metal hulls,then to heavier armoured metal, sail gave way to primitive engines, then gradually more sophisticated turbines. Guns got longer barrels, then breech blocks, then more powerful charges.
An armoured truck is one that transports money, and other valuables,
They make armoured versions of their vehicles and go in Guns Blazing and kills them all.
There are various types of ammunition. There are also particular guns that use the recently developed 30 mm ammunition. Among them are aircraft guns and armoured vehicle guns.
their powerful ships and guns
A peltast was a light infantryman, unarmoured, equipped with crescent shaped shield and javelins, used to harrass armoured infantry formations and archers, and as well fill the gap between armoured infantry formations and their flanking cavalry. They were mainly hired from the tribesmen of Thrace.
Ships guns bullets and clothes
There are a total of 28 guns in Black Ops 2. This is not counting the riot shield or knife.
Small guns made of wrought iron were usually mounted on ship to help defend them from enemy ships. These guns were used to threaten, and scare away enemies. They were mounted to the ship's deck.
guns and stuff