It can happen that early. Congrats, you are now in puberty.
White stuff does not come out of chickenpox bumps. Perhaps you have misdiagnosed yourself. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
blue waffle infection
i heard that it is supposed to come out this year in japan but no word when it will come out in America
You shouldn't have white stringy stuff come out of your penis when you urinate. Men have white stringy stuff come our of their penis when they ejaculate, but that is completely different than urination. If you are having white stuff come out of your penis when you urinate, you should see your doctor to get it checked out. They can figure out what is wrong and fix it. If you let an infection there go out of control for too long, it can cause some serious effects.
In Japan, Pokemon White along with Pokemon Black was released on September 18th 2010. In North America, the games are supposed to come in Spring 2010. In Europe, the games are also supposed to come around Spring 2010.
Gee... I think that's a personal thing. Lots of white stuff??? How much white stuff? Are you talking ounces or gallons? I mean come on! Either you're a cow or not, right? Why is this categorized in 'Lexus RX'?
If you have white stuff coming out you could have an infection. The white stuff is called discharge. If you are discharging you need to go see a doctor so they can give you something to get rid of it.
What? We may not have that many blacks but white people come from other countries! Like Germany and stuff
because when you farted it stung its eyes Close, but no cigar: It's the number one sign that you are butt ugly, what was the poor kitty supposed to do?
Regardless of the color of the outerlayers. All of the gobstopper is white but has a thin shell with color.