You are if that someone means something to you. (But why trust me? I've never kissed anyone!)
if you are talking about mistletoe you are supposed to kiss the person.
A passionate kiss is different from a regular kiss. A passionate kiss is when you are kissing someone you love, and you kiss someone with the passion that you feel for someone.
A regular kiss is something that you do and you don't feel anything special about it, but if it is passionate, then it is something different than what the regular kiss is, and you feel something special and it's just more intense.
you should only kiss someone when you feel ready to. If someone asks you and you don't think your ready, don't kiss them
When you kiss someone for the first time, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and you loose your breath, but it depends how much you like them :))) hope your first kiss turns out magical just like mine did :)))) bye! have fun! but not too much!
You kiss someone when you feel you are ready. If you have already kissed him/her on the cheek, you are ready. Wait for a time when you are alone in private. Then, when your eyes lock, kiss them.
Try a kiss on the cheek when he does something good. That might give him something to think about.
When you are under a mistletoe you kiss the person that is under the mistletoe with you.
It definitely depends!! If its a romantic kiss you may feel really special. If its a casual "were just friends" kiss then you might feel nothing. it depends on you. if you feel "fireworks'' going off then there just might be something!!!
kiss her and tell her how you feel
A kiss is when lips touch someone as a sign of love, reverence, sexual desire, or greeting. A kiss when you touch something with your lips. A kiss also means to touch something gently or lightly.
Courage, mints, Listerine, a movie or something to occupy in time of akwardness, and someone to kiss.