Transgender individuals are human beings with normal genders, not some special category. If a gay man marries a man who was female at birth, then he is gay. If a man marries a woman who was a male at birth, then he is straight.
You would be considered a transgender.
Usually they can. It depends on where at in the world. If both are classified by their original gender or by their corrected gender, then there should be little or no problem. However, it should be legal in all US states due to the law changing on gay marriage. I know this is not a gay marriage, but the gay marriage law should have collateral effects on cases such as these.
Yes, the same way you are still considered straight if you do not marry.
They are anti-feminist; misogynist; and damaging to the Lesbian/gay rights movement.
Gay people do not do this. You are thinking of Transgender people. If a person, (gay or straight) is transgendered, this can only be answered by a physician who specializes in trans-gender surgery.
No it is not safe!! what a question to ask. If you are gay bisexual and trans-gender people you will surely get raped by the people of Jamaica if you ever set foot in the country of Jamaica. please for all you people out there please be careful you could be the next victim. Might it be safe if you don't tell people that you are lesbian, gay, or trans-gender?
Someone like you if they find you either attractive or if they think you are "the one" for them. You may be picked of liking by boy or girl depending on your gender. Although some people are gay, which means they like their own gender rather than liking there opposites. For example, gay people could marry their siblings or they could marry their gender friends.
well, gay people are still around so your question should be- what ARE gay people, and gay people are people who like people of the same gender.
It works on the basis that: If you are attracted to a member of the same sex/gender, you are considered Homosexual(gay); If you are attracted to a member of the opposite sex/gender you are considered Heterosexual(straight).
There are three reasons: The most obvious is that it is still difficult for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-sexual people to be open about their gender preferences. Second, gender preference is a continuum, not a black and white issue. Third, many people suppress their gender preferences, if they perceive them to be undesirable, and may not even admit them to themselves.
he is sadly. which means we cant marry him. but we still love him anyways :DDD
Yes, it has happened throughout history, and still happens today. The gay man is either hiding, or pressured by society to marry. These marriages can be happy, but they are nearly always unfulfilling.