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Hello! The change in your period can be pregnancy related or due to a irregular period or if your on Birth Control this can also cause the change in your period if your experincing break through bleeding or the doseage of the birth control isn't high enough. However, do a pregnancy test to be certain as to whether or not you are pregnant.

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Q: Are you pregnant or is something wrong if your period usually is heavy and lasts 7 days but this time it was light and lasted 4 days and 2 weeks later you are spot bleeding every now and then?
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Early period after sex lasted 2 days?

this is called implantation bleeding. you are pregnant.

Is it normal for implantation blood to last up to 6 days?

I'm not certain if this is considered normal, but I had implantation bleeding that lasted exactly 6 days when I was pregnant with my son.

Would exercise be a reason for Heavy menstrual bleeding that lasted for two weeks or more?

NO! This is something else more serious. See your doctor.

You are scared you had a miscarriage you started bleeding at 4 12 weeks pregnant and called the hospital she said it was probably a reaction to sperm It lasted for 3 days stopped and started again and?

If you are pregnant and bleeding red call your doctor ASAP. If you recently had sex it could just be from a sensitive cervix. When i was pregnant and spotting my docs office told me no sex and I was on bed rest for 7 days after the spotting ended.

If you get your period this month and it lasted more than it usually last but the a week later you get it again but I am not bleeding that much what can this mean i don't take the pill?

Your period is irregular. So what.

Why did my period come 6 days early day 19 of a 24 day cycle it seemed normal but can i still be pregnant?

If it was lighter than normal and only lasted a day or two than yes you could still be pregnant. Many woman don't realize they are pregnant because what they think was their period was actually implantation bleeding. If you think you are pregnant and the bleeding is accompanied by sharp pains in your abdomen you may want to go to a doctor to make sure it isn't an ectopic pregnancy.

Can you be pregnant if you are on birth control and you missed five pills and you have had unprotected sex and four days later you started cramping and had bleeding and it lasted for two days?

You wouldn't have 2 periods no, but you would have one period. As for the second period you might be pregnant. See your Doctor for a blood test.

Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!

What I thought was my period lasted for seven days it was very light and brown in color I have pco but got a normal period last month could this be implantation bleeding?

implantation bleeding usually only last 2 or 3 days, so probably not, but id take a test

You got your period 4 days early and it lasted 4 days.took a pregnancy test and it was a light negative.2 weeks later you've been nauseated for 3 days off and on.Should you take another test?

Take another test! I am six months pregnant and thought that I was not pregnant but You can have a light period and still be pregnant. Sometimes when the egg attaches to the uterus it can cause some bleeding. Look it up on google under pregnancy and early bleeding. That should answer a lot of your questions.

You have been pregnant for 4 weeks had blackish minimal bleeding from 2 days ago lasted for 1 hour now having closed cervix and dry and there is no bleeding at all what is the blackish bleeding?

This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. While an EPT has detected hcg levels in your urine, indicating pregnancy, it usually takes between 6-14 days for the embryo to implant in your uterus. For many women, they mistake it for their period/ miscarriage (if you already know you are pregnant). I have had 2 miscarriages and the bleeding was heavy, bright red and accompanied by clots and cramps. I am pregnant again (8 weeks) and this time I had implantation bleeding right around my period time (approx 4 weeks). It was dark and minimal, lasting only about 30 mins. I just had my first fetal ultrasound and I have a healthy baby with a heartbeat! So don't worry too much. The only thing you can do at this point is wait it out, perhaps take another EPT in a few days or get your hcg levels taken by your doctor, and hope for the best.

Is it possible im pregnant if i got my period over 2 weeks late and it was heavy for the first day and normal flow for next but only lasted 2 days then completely stopped ive also been getting cramps?

Your period sounds like it was too heavy to be implantation bleeding so I doubt you're pregnant