You can have a period throughout your whole pregnancy. So to answer your question, yes.
you might be pregnant
You might not be pregnant, you know. Sometimes it's regular for your periods to be irregular.
Anywhere between 1 month and 2 months pregnant. Take a pregnancy test
Well, missing your period should be your first clue. So it is quite possible.
Yes, if you had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant.
You are not possibly pregnant until it is a month late. Don't stress it. Cycles can vary from 28-38 days normally.
You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.
it could mean that ur prego (( if u have been snuggling clse to a guy)) or ur jsut having a late period
probalbly just a late period, but a 10.00 dollars pregnancy test is a sure way of knowing.
the brown discharge may be your period in a different color