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Not necessarily. If you are actually still late with your normal period, you should take a HPT or go and see your doctor for a beta test.

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Q: Are you pregnant if you had a period a week late and then you spotted the next month?
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Can you be pregnant if your period started a month late but you seem to be experiencing pregnancy signs?


Can you have a period in the first month and still be pregnant but the period is two days late?

You can have a period throughout your whole pregnancy. So to answer your question, yes.

You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant

Can you still be pregnant if you get your period after being late for 1 month and you have no cramps?

You might not be pregnant, you know. Sometimes it's regular for your periods to be irregular.

Your period is a month late how far along could you be?

Anywhere between 1 month and 2 months pregnant. Take a pregnancy test

Month late could you be pregnant?

Well, missing your period should be your first clue. So it is quite possible.

Can you be pregnant if you took the morning after pill a month ago and your period is late plus had unprotected sex during that time?

Yes, if you had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant.

What does it mean if your period is three days late?

You are not possibly pregnant until it is a month late. Don't stress it. Cycles can vary from 28-38 days normally.

You were 10 days late on period and spotted very lightly for only 3 days could you be pregnant?

You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.

The month you were suppossed to have a period you only spotted for like 2 days and never had a period What could this be?

it could mean that ur prego (( if u have been snuggling clse to a guy)) or ur jsut having a late period

If your period is a week late and you have been bleeding for 3 days and tomorrow will be the first of the next month could you be pregnant or could it be just a very late period?

probalbly just a late period, but a 10.00 dollars pregnancy test is a sure way of knowing.

My period was late i took a pregnancy test and it said not pregnant i am having brown discharge and have for about a month what is going on?

the brown discharge may be your period in a different color