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Its kinda normal but you're still considered obese. Im 12 and i weigh 137 but im 5'0 so im pretty sure its normal.

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Q: Are you overweight or about normal if you are 12 years old and you weigh about 140?
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Are you overweight if you are 12 and are 5 feet 5 inches tall and weigh 140 pounds?

No that is very normal.

How much does an overweight 12-year-old weigh?


Is it normal to weigh at 11 140 please answer?

It depends on your height and activity level. Generally, for an 11 year old, 140 may be "at risk for becoming overweight" or even "overweight." It's not for certain, though. So make sure to ask your doctor! He or she will tell if you're at a good weight or not.

Are you overweight if you weigh 127 and you are fourteen years old and you are five foot four?

No it is the perfect weight to be that tall. Now if you were 140 then yes their would be a problem, but not for now. ;)

If you weigh 140 pound are you healthy?

Your healthy weight range depends on your height, age, sex, and general build. If you're four foot, and weigh 140 pounds, you're probably overweight; if you're six feet six and weigh 140 pounds, you're likely underweight.

Is a 5' 11 140 pound 13-year-old overweight?

no, that's normal weight x

Are you overweight if you are 15 years old and 5 feet 9 inches tall and weight 140 pounds?

nope ur not overweight

Im 13 and im 5'3 and weigh 140 am i fat?

According to several BMI tools, you are classified as 'mildly overweight.'

Am I overweight if I am a 16-year-old 5'2 female and weigh 140 pounds?

Some. but nothing you can't control by diet and exercise.

What is the average weight of a 5' 4 14-year-old boy and is 130 pound overweight?

== == Actually this is a perfect weight for you because if you weigh more than 140 at your rate that considers you overweight.

Is 140 pounds considered overweight for a 5' 3 girl?

140 pounds for a 5'3 girls is considered as normal weight.

How much should a 19 years boy weigh?

If you do sports then around 140 pounds. Normal then like 160 may be. Well I think so. Hope it helped.:)