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i think it is wrong to ban smoking in public places .if they ban smoking in bars and casinos just to name a few no one will go to the casino any more or a bar. since a bar and a casino sell the cigers and other stuff just like bars

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Q: Are you for or against a smoking ban in public places?
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The ban smoking in public places will discourage youngsters from smoking?

No it will not

What date that the smoking ban on smoking in public places was introduced in Scotland?

The smoking ban in public places in Scotland was introduced on March 26, 2006.

When did they ban smoking in public places?

The ban on smoking in public places began to gain traction in the early 2000s, with various countries and states implementing regulations to protect public health. The specifics of when smoking was banned in public places may vary depending on the region.

Which country was the first in the world to implement a ban on smoking in public places?


What was first European country to ban smoking in public places?

it is Irish republic

When did the smoking ban come to Canada?

There is no national smoking ban in Canada. Different provinces and different municipalities have a variety of restrictions on smoking in public places. These laws and bylaws are becoming more stringent as time passes. Assume that you won't be able to smoke in most public places in Canada.

How can you stop HUD Fed Gov to ban smoking in public housing?

Get the people in public housing to pay there own way. NO Public Housing = No smoking ban.

Did the US ban smoking in enclosed public places like bars restaurants theaters malls etc?

There are no federal laws proscribing smoking in those places, but many states, such as New Jersey, have done so.

What year did the no smoking law in Massachusetts establish?

The statewide smoking ban in Massachusetts became effective on July 1, 2004. Smoking is banned in all enclosed public places and workplaces, including restaurants and bars.

Where is 2 places that smoking is illegal?

Well, here in Long Beach, California, they already banned smoking from beaches and public parks. If you're lucky, they might ban smoking in other states. Let's just hope they ban tobacco companies because I told them responsible for killing millions of people around the world.

Can student government ban smoking on a public campus?

The laws on smoking are locally controlled. You will need to check with your local laws concerning the authority given to student governments. In some places they have that authority. In other places they might not. In this state it is illegal to smoke in public buildings or near their entrances.

When was the smoking ban in Ireland introduced?

Smoking is not banned in Ireland. It is only banned in some places. The smoking ban in enclosed work places, which is what you would be referring to, was introduced on Monday, March 29, 2004.