People are not allowed to use improper homonyms on this site. But it was actually just a homophone, so it is "aloud"...bad words are not! If you observe improper language, alert the Vandal Patrol or click the "report abuse" at upper right.
The factors that encouraged the use of the vernacular in literature in the Renaissance period were the facts it allowed more people access to their works and it allowed greater freedom of expression.
She was not allowed to go to the park.
no vendors allowed
allowed. It has two "l's".
Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses have no religious objection to going to the theatre. They will generally avoid shows that contain excessive violence or sexually immoral or explicit content.
1 1/2
Youtube is a user-generated (uploaded) collection of videos from around the world. Some have "cussing" (adult language), but users are screened to avoid exposing minors to inappropriate language or subject matter. Youtube is not normally censored except for pornographic content.
Eaget is a chinees product. In china youtube is not allowed.
Whoever desires to be married will have to meet the explicit legal requirements of the state in which they intend to be married.
You can, but shouldn't do that because it can hurt people and Siri's feelings. If you post hate speech, you can be suspended if you are reported.
Some nudity is allowed on YouTube though the video needs to be marked as it contains adult content. This prevents underage children from viewing the videos.
You can't, YouTube banned them in 2008. If you see someone with an animated icon then that means they had it before 2008 and YouTube allowed them to keep it.
Like on YouTube
No, you will be blocked from the site for that.
they are but what ever they put on there will probaly be boring as heck
Yes, there are youtube videos of them doing it