The best person to ask is your parole officer. Each state / county has different laws on Pellet guns
I would check with your parole officer for the best answer.
As of August 26, 2010, it is illegal to ship an air gun or air rifle to New Jersey.
It depends on the model and the caliber of the Pellet gun.
What the hell is a 'pellot'? If you can't figure out how to spell the word 'pellet' (or take advantage of a spell checker), then you probably shouldn't be alive, let alone own any form of a gun.
I think you mean pellet gun. That is a gun that fires a small lead pellet but does not use gun powder. It uses compressed air or compressed gasses to push the pellet.
A pellet gun is not adequate for protection, and will get you arrested.
Any pellet gun should be handled like a real firearm. Yes you can be killed with a pellet gun under the right circumstances.
It all depends on the model and who made the pellet gun. I suggest that you re-post the queston with the model and make of the pellet gun to get an answer.
No. Even if it would fit in the chamber, there is no firing pin on a pellet gun.
Nope. Pellet guns are fairly safe to use.
In some states a firearm is a weapon where a metal projectile is fired through a metal barrel, no matter what propels it air or gunpowder. Also, Federal law prohibits felons from having a pellet gun that fires over 700fps.
No. A pellet gun would use compressed air.