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No; a light or ultra light cigarette is not any safer than a regular cigarette. Studies have found that smokers will compensate for the type of cigarette (i.e., inhaling longer on a light or ultra light cigarette) ultimately receiving the same amount of nicotine.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Any cigarette that contains tobacco, and additives is going to be quite unhealthy. New electronic cigarettes contain ONLY nicotine, check them out

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. Smokers of Light and Ultra Light cigarettes absorb the same amount of nicotine and tar as Full Flavor varieties.

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Related questions

What is the Difference between light cigarettes and ultra lights?

Light cigarettes contain less tar and nicotine than regular cigarettes, while ultra light cigarettes contain even lower levels of tar and nicotine. Additionally, ultra lights often have ventilation holes in the filter to dilute the smoke with air, making them appear lighter. However, both still pose health risks and are not necessarily a safer alternative to regular cigarettes.

What techniques were used to lower tar and nicotine content of modern cigarettes?

Tiny holes are poked into the filter to draw in more air when the cigarette is smoked. New research has indicated that "light" and "ultra light" cigarettes are no more safe than "full flavor" cigarettes, since smokers will block the ventilation holes and/or take in deeper drags when they smoke.

Are light cigarettes any healthier than regular cigarettes?

No, but electronic cigarettes may be. Check them out at,

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No. And " light " cigarettes are no better. Carbon monoxide is all poison.

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I can breath better while smoking the E-Cigs

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Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

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no more than 3. WHY?

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razor ultra pro's r better cos they r all one peice

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hell yes

Do the socs smoke cigarettes?

No the socs drink because there better than the greasers.