

Best Answer

only idiots get meaningless tatoos.


therefore, tribal=stupid

Well, there is your average opinion. As an artist, I feel they are over played, but what really isn't. Tribal is considered one of the most over-done tattoos, and most people get them just because they cannot think of anything better. Most of my tattoos have no meaning to them, and I feel that they shouldn't. I have a bio-mechanical tattoo. Bio-mech is essentially tribal in 3-d. Meaningless, maybe, but I still have it.

Who really cares what is a fad tattoo, and what isn't. YOU should get the tattoo because YOU like it.

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Crash bandicoot will not have permanent tattoos. These tribal tattoos will be replaced with fingerless gloves.

Do tribal tattoos have meaning?

Most do yes, to the people of the tribes from which they originate.

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tribal tattoos symbolize that you're extreme and probably like to chill back with your bro's.

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Rugby is a sport widely played in the pacific islands, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga, the tribal tattoos originate from there, lots of all blacks and wallabies have islander heritage.

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Alot of them have significance to the tribes and the meaning of each part of the patterns. Many of the islander tattoos are passed on from generations.

Where in Los Angeles is best place for tribal tattoos?

john cena rocks

When did tribal tattoos become widely popular?

Tribal tattoos started being popular thousands of years ago, it was a sign you had accomplished something in your lifetime and that you had power. Tattoos in general has not been widely popular in the society until the last 50 years and they are starting to get really popular these days.

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In the philipines certain tribal groupes believe tattoos have magical qualietes, and help to protect their bearers most traditional tattoings in the philipines

Where could one find tribal designs for tattoos?

If someone is looking for tribal design tattoos, they may choose to go to their local tattoo artist and see any designs they may have to browse through. If someone cannot find them there, they may also look on artists' websites.