

Are tranquilizers depressants

Updated: 9/28/2023
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11y ago

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Yes they are indeed Depressants and they are intended to reduce anxiety and to relax persons who are having problems coping with the stressors of life.

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Q: Are tranquilizers depressants
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What group of therapeutic drugs used to treat psychological disorders are commonly referred to as tranquilizers?

Any drug that ends with pam,like diazepam clonazepam etc....

Do medications given by psychiatrists act as chemical lobotomies killing brains cells to permanently alter personality and does a chemical attack on emotion cause any dangerous psychopathology?

If the correct psychiatric medication for a particular patient is given in the correct dosage, then nothing resembling a chemical lobotomy will result, and many patients are greatly helped. The use of the wrong drug or the wrong dosage of a drug can be very harmful to a patient. Mental illness is difficult to treat. As for your question about possible psycopathology resulting from a chemical attack on emotion, the most common problem with excessive or inappropriate use of tranquilizers would be addiction to tranquilizers or other drugs. People at some point become unable to manage their emotions without drugs, which is not the healthiest outcome that we might seek.

What are the effects of depressants and hallucinogens on behavior?

Depressants induce sleep, relieve anxiety, and treat seizure disorder's They are extremely addictive and overdosing is terribly easy. Some of the effects of depressants include sleepiness ans deep sleep, slurred speech, poor coordination and falling, poor thought processes and comprehension memory and judgment difficulty mood swings, involuntary jerking of the eye's, constricted pupils, slowed breathing rate, addiction, death if combined with alcohol, possible overdose leading to death. Due to there relaxing property's depressant abusers can forget how much they have taken and die as a result of overdose.Hallucinogens can cause a persons vision such as light, color, and shapes to be altered, and imaginary objects appear walls "melt". users can feel like they are floating, being pressed down, or moving in slow motion. Users can focus on tiny objects for hours and loose track of time. Users can be moody or jumpy, thoughts jump wildly users body's can feel as if changing shape or that they don't even exist, dilated pupils, heavy perspiration body odor, "goose bumps", nausea, muscular weakness, trembling and poor coordination. Hallucinogens affect body temperature heart rate, blood pressure and can cause seizures. More effects include auditory and visual hallucinations, slurred speech, loss of coordination, blank stare; rapidly jerking eye's, sense of indestructibility, lack of pain, extreme anxiety; paranoia, hostility; violence to self and others, coma, loss of fine motor skills, seizures and convulsions, cardiac problems, permanent memory loss, mood disorders, disrupted hormone levels; limited growth.Depressants and hallucinogens are dangerous and deadly when abused, the only time they should be used is under the direction of a doctor.

How do you stop yourself from crying in public?

Let me know when you find out! (First answer.) I'm adding: You may be suffering from depression. Normal grieving isn't depression, but ongoing unbreakable sadness is. I have that problem too sometimes because I'm bereaved and have PTSD. If you are weeping much of the time, losing interest in your usual activities, and feeling impulses to harm yourself, and above all if thoughts of suicide occur to you, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY because you are suffering from clinical depression, which is a treatable condition but can be very dangerous if left untreated. If you are grieving a loss or undergoing bullying or abuse, seek help from a school counselor or, if you are further into adulthood, seek out a professional in good standing. Be careful if you are offered medications, but if you need anti-depressants, very cautiously-monitored doses can help adults. Teens, on the other hand, often become much worse on anti-depressants. There are other ways to help teens in trouble. If you are a teen and your parents are not abusive, tell them you are in trouble. If they are, then tell a trusted teacher or other reliable adult. Bottom line: if you're too depressed to cope, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it means you need help, and no, you're not crazy: the fact you asked proves that!

Can you mix Wellbutrin and xanax?

It all depends on certain factors such as is it prescribed? how much of each you are taking? and most important are you tolerant to the medications. someone who isn't used to suboxone and xanax can have life threatening consequences if taken together or even by them selves. Ive been on suboxone for 2 years and wellbutrin for 2 months. i will take .5 mg of xanax here and there if i cant sleep. I am tolerant to the suboxone and have taken benzos i.e "xanax in the past. the combination of the 3 if not taken at the same time is fine if you have tolerance to the suboxone and the xanax. if your a noob and haven't taken these meds that much then never ever mix them it could kill you because both are respiratory depressants which will stop your breathing if the person is not used to the medications. Talk to your Dr. if you have one thats always the best advice.

Related questions

Is tranquilizers a stimulant or a depressent?

Tranquilizers are depressants. They slow down the Central Nervous System, and makes you feel less conscious of everything around you.

Are tranquilizers a depressant stimulant or hallucinogen?

Tranquilizers are depressants. They slow down the Central Nervous System, and makes you feel less conscious of everything around you.

What are the different kinds of depressants?

Alocohol, Heorin, tranquilizers, opiates(narcotics), sedatives... there are over 100 different kinds of drugs

What drug effects are similar to alcohol effects?

Narcotics, barbiturates and tranquilizers, all depressants, have similar effects. For that reason, they should never be taken with alcohol. The combined effects can be fatal.

What drugs may interact with zolpidem?

Other central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as medicine for allergies, colds, hay fever, and asthma; sedatives; tranquilizers; prescription pain medicine; muscle relaxants; medicine for seizures; barbiturates; and anesthetics.

Is it illegal to use tranquilizers?

Tranquilizers can be legally used if prescribed by a doctor.

What is the plural of tranquillizer?

The plural of tranquilizer is tranquilizers. As in "the tranquilizers were not effective enough".

What drugs do benzodiazepines interact with?

Central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as medicine for allergies, colds, hay fever, and asthma; sedatives; tranquilizers; prescription pain medicine; muscle relaxants.Medicines other than those listed above may interact with benzodiazepines.

What are the ingredients in tranquilizers?


What group of drugs do tranquilizers and barbiturates belong to?

Collectively, they're Sedatives. However, there's some categorization within the sedative category: Barbiturates, Minor Tranquilizers, and Major Tranquilizers.Barbiturates (examples)amobarbital (Amytal)pentobarbital (Nembutal)secobarbital (Seconal)Phenobarbitol (Luminal)Tranquilizers (examples)Minor Tranquilizers: Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc)Major Tranquilizers (usually refers to antipsychotics): Haloperidol (amongst others)

What group of drugs does alcohol come from?

alcohol is under the category of depressants

When you take depressants does it make you more depressed?

You don't take depressants. You take anti-depressants, which counters being depressed.