Theres sexual abusers in everything out there most of them will go for any sex making them bisexual most obviously. There are lezbiand and gay sexual abusers. Theres Straight and bisexual abusers mostly. But you must always be cautious whatever you are you could still get picked up they wont know wevurr your a lezbiand or your gay. or whatever you are. a boy cud pick up a lezbiand without knowing. Hope it helped --- x
No lesbians are the best
constantly in front of me
Women should be cautious to include iron and calcium in their diets.
Since lesbians don't believe that bisexuality exist,only men and women with bisexual tendencies should answer questions about bisexuality.
It is hard to avoid the bad pun, but joking about this all the time is in bad taste. Is this just a goofy friend who you know is harmless, or is this part of an abusive pattern?
Yelling, screaming, hitting, punching, controlling, an demanding. There are a lot of stuff that can lead to an abusive relationship. However, you need to be very cautious of how he/she acts toward you if you think things are gonna get bad. If they start getting really controlling and telling you what you can & can't do, you should leave. Love doesn't revolve around abuse.
because why would you want to be with someone who is abusive towards you should make them lethargic...they were abusive before the drugs.
yes what should I do?
Be happy for them, it's their choice.
Lesbians are no different that straight people who decide to live together. If the chemistry isn't there should be no problem with the relationship.
Many BFs, or boyfriends, are not abusive. If a boyfriend is abusive, the girl should leave the relationship and file charges. Do not keep going back to an abuser.