There are many. My wife and I tried for seven years before she got pregnant. Outside of any physical problems, when you relax about it, it will happen.
Your risk of getting pregnant is the same as any other time when you are fertile. Unless you are menopausal or pregnant, you have a chance of becoming pregnant from having sex.
Stress can and so can having the flu or getting sick.
You will have to return to court and get a court ordered lien or attachment for the other party's assets.
You should still be able to get pregnant. If the other pregnancy was recent, then it is more likely you will be able to get pregnant because you are very fertile after a pregnancy
Trouble sleeping can be caused by several factors. Stress is certainly something to consider if you are consistently having trouble sleeping as are other medical and lifestyle conditions.
yes that's where monkeys come from other monkeys getting pregnant
Don't hang out with them you are getting in trouble cause they aren't the type of people who you want to be hanging out with
A woman can get pregnant at any age, so long as she is still getting a period and has not entered into menopause. If you are trying to conceive and having problems, you may want to consult your OB, to check your hormone levels. Women in their 40's may need hormone treatments or other forms of medical help to assist in getting pregnant.
Yes, you can.
They get pregnant by having sex, the same way as any other woman.
You will usually stop having your periodif you are pregnant and you will be showing other symptoms such as naseua and cravings.
If a man can't achieve an erection, then he would have difficulty having sex and with getting a woman pregnant, but other than that, it wouldn't have any effect on his life.