Illegal firearms are very rare, compared to the number of legal firearms in existence. Roughly half the households in the US own at least one firearm legally.
Spud guns are generally legal in the US. They require approval from the BATFE.
Guns were legal before there WAS a USA, and have always been legal here.
Not in the US, but registry is required for ownership or possession of certain types of guns.
Making guns is not illegal. In US, anyone can make a gun that is not fully automatic for their own use without any sort of license, permit, or registration. Making guns commercially (for sale to other people) is also legal, but you have to get a license and pay a tax. Outside of US making guns is also legal in many places, provided you get an appropriate license.
It set a pattern for legal and illegal Immigration.
There are semiautomatic guns (pull of trigger fires one shot) and fully automatic guns (pulling trigger ONCE fires more than one shot) Semiautomatic guns are legal in almost every place in the US. Fully automatic guns are restricted in a few states, but can be owned in others IF the gun is registered with the Federal BATFE, and a one time $200 tax paid on the transfer of ownership. LEGAL fully automatic guns are VERY expensive, with cost starting at about $2,000, and quickly going up. Guns such as an original Thompson submachinegun may sell for $20,000 or more.
There are no states in the US that require a license.
It is not legal to work in this country if you do not have a green card and you are an illegal.
No one knows for sure since it was impossible to count because it was illegal but the WHO knows today that in countries where it is illegal the amount of abortions is the same as if it was legal. It's just unsafer and more dangerous. Today there are 1,2 million legal abortions a year in the US.
No exact record, since there is no requirement to register guns in MOST of the US. One estimate is 312 million owned by ordinary people.There are an estimated 200 million legal guns in the United States.
It set a pattern for legal and illegal Immigration.