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Yes, just as mentally handicapped people can be heterosexual.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes, anyone can be gay and anyone can be mentally retarded. The two are not necessarily automatically existent in the same person.

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How many mentally retarded people live in the United States?

About 6-7.5 million mentally retarded individuals live in the United States alone.

What has the author Barbara Gay Ford written?

Barbara Gay Ford has written An evaluation of creativity training activities with mentally retarded youngsters.

What portion of the mentally disabled are classified as moderately retarded?

About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded.

How were mentally retarded people treated in 1930s?

They were treated as criminals.

What did Hitler call the mentally retarded?

Apparently, he generally referred to the mentally retarded and mentally ill as 'those who eat their own feces', despite the fact that it was tactfully pointed out to him that very, very few mentally ill people do this.

What portion of the mentally disabled are classified as mildly retarded?

Approximately 85% of the mentally retarded population is in the mildly retarded category.

What are some books with mentally retarded characters?

Of Mice and Men has a mentally retarded character.

Is there anyone that is mentally retarded?

Yes, 2 to 3 percent of the population is mentally retarded.

Do people in Texas kill retarded people?

The Supreme Court has ruled it is unconstitutional to EXECUTE ( for a capital crime) a mentally retarded person.

What portion of the mentally disabled are classified as profoundly retarded?

Only 1-2% of the mentally retarded population is classified as profoundly retarded.

If two mentally retarded people have kids will the baby be affected?

its possible.