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Yes you can because if you smoke any kind of tobacco too much you will have lung cancer and you can get many other side affects like burning and purple skin, yellow teeth ext......

**Only if you are a heavy smoker for 20-30 years, then there is a possibility of lung cancer because of the smoke. Marijuana has actually been said to kill certain cancer cells. DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE!

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12y ago
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14y ago

There very first research that found that THC kills cancer cells was a study done in 1974, and was paid for by the U.S. Government, the goal at first was for the researches to show how Cannabis hurts your immune system, surprisingly the researchers found no link to cannabis damaging the immune system and instead found that THC shrank cancerous tumors in lab mice, all research was recalled and destroyed by the NIDA, and further restriction were set in place to limit the amount of Cannabis research, except for the kind that showed that it was harmful.

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16y ago

Marijuana in itself, no.

Smoking marijuana can give you lung cancer, especially if you mix it up with tobacco. There are also beliefs that all foods grown with chemical pesticides can give you cancer, and you can include most marijuana in this category. Most growers use either chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

If you want to be sure, you need to grow your own weed (but it's illegal) and smoke it with a vaporizer, which is the smoothest way to smoke.

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13y ago

I've smoked enough weed to holla at snoop dog, and I'm only 23. I take breaks from smoking when it starts to get old smoking every day; then being sober is a high in itself. I get a hollow feeling when my minds more adjusted to being high than not when I stop but that only lasts a few days depending on how much you smoke. Weed is magic and won't do you wrong like hard drugs or beer, blazin!

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13y ago

No why would it, marijauna just a a pathetic plant that wont really harm because it doesnt contain any chemicals except the ones it was naturally given which all they do is get you high and that is it. On the other hand smoking any thing is bad; smoke is bad but not everthing is cancerous when it is smoked.

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13y ago

Marijuana is non-toxic and contains no known carcinogens.

However, smoking anything - tobacco, marijuana, herbs, etc. - is always carcinogenic.

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15y ago

No, it has actually been shown to protect against cancer.

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7y ago


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Q: Are there carcinogens in marijuana
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Can you reduce the risk of cancer by the addition of carcinogens in the atmosphere?

Since carcinogens are cancer-causing agents, any release of carcinogens will increase, not decrease, cancer risk. Avoiding and reducing carcinogens will decrease the risk of cancer.

What are The three types of Carcinogens?

The three types of carcinogens are chemical carcinogens (such as tobacco smoke and asbestos), physical carcinogens (such as ultraviolet radiation and ionizing radiation), and biological carcinogens (such as certain viruses and bacteria that can cause cancer).

Are there medical warnings related to marijuana?

There are no confirmed, scientifically proven evidence that the use of marijuana has any serious long term/short term consequences to ones health. The argument can be made however, that there are carcinogens present within the buds and leaves harvested from the cannabis plant. These carcinogens aren't nearly as prevelent in marijuana as they are in tobacco products though, so the argument loses some credibility. Other researchers have also argued that long term use causes memory loss, anxiety, and depression. There may be documented cases of this, however, i have yet to come accross a case of a person with even remotely close symptoms. In conclusion, there are no documented negative health affects in relation to marijuana consumption.

What are Carcinogens substance?

Carcinogens are the substances which cause cells to grow abnormally and cause an overgrowth.

Is there any way that Mary Jane can kill?

No, there isn't, unlike alcohol there is no way to overdose and there are no proven long term health hazards to smoking marijuana. In fact, there are some chemicals in Mary Jane that offset the carcinogens of cigarettes.

How many carcinogens are in Marijuana?

Depends on how its consumed and what cancer, vaporized or eaten the oils enter the system without combustion so that prevents a lot of the carcenogens. Cannaboids can lower your risk of some cancers and increase the risk of others.

State the name given to agents that increase the chances of cancerous growth?

Carcinogens or mutagens

In percent how much more tar is in marijuana smoke than tobacco smoke?

40 % to 70 % more -------- Cal-OEHHA has listed the chemicals present in marijuana smoke. Marijuana smoke is on the Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, see

What are the harmful effects of carcinogens in human life?

Carcinogens, by definition, create cancers, which often lead to death.

How carcinogens affect the body?

A carcinogen affects the body in an adverse way. Carcinogens cause the cells in the body to multiply too fast causing organs to be unable to function normally. Carcinogens are what causes cancer in the human body.

What plants are smokeable?

Some plants that are commonly smoked include tobacco, marijuana (cannabis), and various herbs such as damiana, mullein, and skullcap. However, smoking any plant material may pose risks to your health due to the inhalation of toxins and carcinogens.