There are fertility drugs but you should see a doctor first to see which one of you have a problem so you get the right medicine. The drugs can also increase the risk of multiple births if the woman takes it.
You should not take any birth control pills if you're trying to get pregnant.
No! Do not take ANY type of medication without talking to your Dr first.
i want to get pregnant & me & my boyfriend been trying but I've never conceived, how can I get pregnant, is their any pills or vitamins?
if i take a fertility pills when i got pregnant/
Can you take birth control pills and still be pregnant Can you take birth control pills and still be pregnant
No,not during pregnancy
You have to take the pills as directed. If it comes with two pills, then you must take both for the treatment to be effective, or you could become pregnant.
All of them! If you are trying to get pregnant you do not want to take birth control pills. Their whole purpose is to prevent pregnancy.
ask your doctor
prenatal vitamins
Any type of diet pills including Ephedra can affect your future pregnancy. If you are pregnant, or considering getting pregnant, it would be best to consult a doctor for the best advice on what type of pills would be safe and acceptable to take.
You can't get pregnant by taking pills, no matter what you do to your tubes.