There is only one over the counter weight loss pill specifically approved by the Food and Beverage Administration (FDA) and it is Ali. Although Ali is the only FDA over the counter approved weight loss pill, qualified physicians may prescribe various pills that have been found to help in weight loss.
no its not healthy to take diet pills
I am afraid not.
Its never a good idea to take diet pills to lose weight. Most of diet pills are not FDA approved. Also weight loss with help of such pills is not long lasting. Try sticking to exercise and a healthy diet to lose weight gradually.
maybe above 18 years old.
Weight loss pills only promote weight loss by providing ingredients(not proven to work) such as herbal remedies. AS for the not eating...not a good idea unless you want to look anorexic
No. But if you are a woman and are trying to loose weight it is a good idea to take iron pills just to keep your levels up.
I would not advise taking the weight loss pill at all. There is actually no such thing as a "weight loss pill".These so-called weight loss pills have been tested in laboratories and have been found to have little or no effect on weight loss at all. At best, they are nothing more than a placebo aimed to make profit from people's vulnerabilities. Why would they help you lose weight when they can encourage you to buy their pills so they can make more money?The best way to lose weight is by dieting, complimented by exercise. Weight loss pills do not work and in some countries it is actually illegal now to import them because of the fact they don't work.
definitely if they taste nice
Diet pills are the most common over the counter use for weight loss. The other is exercise and diet for people who don't want to take the risk of side effects of diet pills
Please please do not take weight loss pills... they are bad for you. They promise miraculous results but they'll be the start of years and years of yo-yo dieiting. I know, I took them for years and all they helped me do was to get an eating disorder and help me diet myself fatter over the years.