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1.Me and one of my friends came up with this game in English 7th grade. We would draw a scene like a mountain or plains. Then we would decide what we would use like elements, modern weapons, medieval weapons, etc. Then one of us would start by drawing a stick man. The next person would draw a stick man using an attack against the other person's stick man. Then the person who started would erase their previous stick man and draw a counter attack for it. Then it keeps going back and forth. You play until you're the last one alive or until you quit. This can be played with about 4 people max. any more than that and it gets confusing.

2. You start by drawing a "boss". You give him a health bar and magic bar. Then you give the boss a couple of attacks.Then you draw how ever many people you want on your team. You give them health and magic bars. Write the desired number above each. You also give them a couple attacks each. Then you just do a turn based fight thing against the boss. I you win the you advance to level 2. The boss gets harder and you may also reward yourself with better attacks or special items.

Okay if you play these and tell you friends about them give credit to me. Steven Greensweight. Enjoy

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Q: Are there any pencil and paper games?
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