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Most good diets allow treats like dessert. A diet that is too constricting will be too hard to follow. Weight Watchers allows you to eat anything, as long as it's in your point value. NutriSystem and Jenny Craig have desserts as part of the meals they offer.

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Q: Are there any diets that do not require me to give up dessert?
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A safe diet for a child of any age would be to give them as much healthy foods as possible. For example, instead of giving a child a bag of chips, or cookies for dessert, maybe give them an apple with peanut butter, or celery with ranch dip. It is a safe and healthy alternative.

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There are several sites to give diet tips and advice, but most of these sites will require that you add some kind of supplements for you to lose the weight.

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The prison I was in allowed diets. Like kosher diets, diets based on any allergies, etc.

Is dessert a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'dessert' is a common noun, a general word for any treat or sweet food at the end of a meal; a word for any dessert of any kind.

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Of course, ANY milk product or milk based product needs refrigeration

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Who has created a diet plan specifically for women?

There are not any diets that are specifically designed for women. However diets such as Jenny Craig offer diets for men and women. I have researched this question and have not found any diets specifically for women.

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Is there any dessert in Greenland?

yes there is!

Are there any websites that can help me find leptin diets?

The Leptin diet is one of those that require you to severely cut back on caloric intake, which can be dangerous. Please check with your doctor first before partaking in any fad diet.

What is an sweet dish?

Any dish that has a dessert on it.

Where do I find information on the best body cleansing diets?

A cleansing diet is also known as a detox diet. They are diets that give your body time to cleanse itself so you feel renewed and fresh. An excellent site that explains diets, pros, cons and answers any questions you may have about what is best is: