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no video camera but the photo camera is really good

typing can get a little difficult at times but its still pretty sweet.

the map thing only works if you have interenet connection. which really sucked when i got lost that one time..

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Of course! We are a developed country, come on!We do have iPhone, iPhone retailers, iPhone WiFi, iPod stores, etc.

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The iPhone works very well with Apple's standard case, but most any iPhone case will do.

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For any of your apple gadgets to be repaired - Fixsquad Sure! why do you think the repair services for apple are working? We are especially an experts in repairing any apple gadgets in Iphone, Ipad, apple watch etc. If you are a person searching smart gadgets repair - visit us

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Yes, the iphone is an Apple product

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To find your best deal on the Apple IPhone 4S, I would recommend that you check Apple's website for the MSRP on the iPhone. I would then check prices both online and any local businesses for sale prices.

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