You can get a baby alive at toys r us and sometimes target. Really, you can find them at any toy store.
If some one is interested in buying baby dolls in Canada, he or she can visit any local store that sells that kind of products or he/she can buy some online from Walmart on-line shop with considerably low cost.
You can purchase Baby Alive products at any department store such as Walmart. Toys R Us or Target that sells Baby Alive. You may also find these things online, on sites like Amazon or Ebay.
Barbie dolls and any brand of baby dolls
She doesnt have one...Well not any that i know of.
Baby doll strollers can be purchased at many stores like Toys "R" Us, Walmart, Dealtime, Reborn dolls for sale, Amazon, and Wayfair. Some stores like Toys "R" Us and Walmart will sell new doll strollers and other stores, like Reborn dolls for sale will sell used doll strollers.
You can find vinyl baby dolls at almost any store that sells toys. They can be cheap ones that look fake, or more realistic dolls. has a great selection of high-end, very realistic looking dolls.
Walmart as a concentrate in the freezer section
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there are Baby Alive dolls designed to simulate certain aspects of caring for a real baby, including eating and drinking. These dolls often come with special bottles and packets of "food" or "formula" that, when mixed with water, create a substance that looks like milk or food. These doll accessories are generally safe for the intended use with the specific Baby Alive doll. The "formula" provided with these dolls is not real formula and should not be consumed by a real baby. It is a play accessory designed for imaginative and pretend play. Always refer to the specific instructions and recommendations provided by the manufacturer of the Baby Alive doll and accessories you have. If there have been any changes or new products released since my last update, it's advisable to check the latest information from the manufacturer or reliable sources. Always prioritize safety and follow the guidelines provided with the toy.
The Berenguer Line of toy baby dolls can be purchased from basically any kids toy store such as Toys R Us, or by checking your local kids consignment shops.
Target, Toys R Us, Walmart. Any toy stores that have dolls like Barbies or Bratz.
Walmart,zellers,target,any dept stores or baby stores