yes because teens do it way more than adults behind everybody back
How do teens odten feel that may make them more susceptible to suicide than adults
No, for the simple fact that there are a considerable amount more adult drivers than there are teens. But if the question is asking whether a teenage driver is more likely to have an accident than an adult driver that's is a tougher question.
Adults often have more life experience and perspective, which can lead to more cautious and rational decision-making. Teens tend to be more impulsive and focused on immediate gratification, as their brains are still developing. Adults also tend to consider long-term consequences more than teens do.
Many teens get in an accident because they are driving unsafe. Ex. No seatbelts or texting while driving. The ratio of teens to adults getting in an accident is about 71% out of 100% to 48% out of 100% Thank-you
There are way more adult drivers than teens, so it's going to be tough to answer that in a meaningful way.Teens may be slightly more likely to drive drunk but adults have the sheer numbers on their side.
Teens like to be "in" with everything, they have to keep up with the latest trends because they are teens. Adults don't care about those things a lot anymore.
It has the same effect (but maybe a little more of an impact than on adults)
Yes and no. Teens are more likely than your average adult, but seniors are also more likely than the average teen.
Treatment is faster and more successful in children and teens whose teeth and bones are still developing.