It may very well be the case. I've always tattooed within the state of Ohio, so I don't know the particulars of the law specifically. Some states don't require you to have a license for tattooing, only the license to legally do work which is often a simple Business License. Additionally, the laws differ greatly from one county to the next sometimes regardless of what state you intend to work in. Get some more information specifically for the state and county that you intend to relocate to and contact their local Health Board. They will give you the definitive word as to if the license is indeed 100% transferable or if their will be additional steps that you will have to take in addition to having the pre-existing license. I would think that you would have to do something to the affect of taking some additional steps for them to accredit you in any event. Look into it.
Usually the Health Department of the state inspects and licenses tattoo shops.
In Illinois liquor licenses are not transferable or assignable.
Marriage licenses are not transferable from state to state. The couple wishing to marry must obtain a license in the state in which they want to marry according to the existing laws.
Each state handles laws concerning drivers licenses .
The state DMV issues licenses.
Marriage licenses are issued by the state. In most cases the state has directed the county handle the registration.
every state has a wild game management department this department issues your fishing licenses as well as hunting licenses
You can certainly tattoo as a hobby. However, the laws vary from state to state in the US. Some require you to be licensed in order to tattoo on someone else, even if there is no charge. Check your state laws.
What qualifications and licenses are required to repossess vehicles in the state of Nebraska?
It is not illegal, but I suggest not to get a tattoo.