no, they arent legal anywhere in the US.
It depends on the gun and caliber but most semi-automatic rifles such as the Ruger .22 are legal to hunt with in California.
Yes, but centerfire semi auto rifles are not legal for HUNTING in PA.
Yes, in accordance with federal law.
The H&K USC is a semi-automatic firearm that comes only with a ten-round magazine. The ten-round magazine may not be legal in some states for hunting. Since there is no alternative for a magazine with lesser capacity, you're limited to using it as a single shot rifle. Some states may not allow semi-automatic rifles for hunting. Some states may not allow rifles of any caliber for hunting, in some or all counties. The guiding rule, of course, is to read your state's hunting regulations and laws carefully, and be guided accordingly.
Yes- with a big HOWEVER. There are special seasons and permits required for Mountain Lions. Firearms may not be used in Archery Season.
Nope. PA requires a MANUALLY OPERATED centerfire rifle (their term). Pump, lever, bolt, or single shot, yes. Semi-auto, no.
For DEER hunting, they must be "manually operated" rifles, but POSSIBLE they can be used for varmint hunting. You should check with the PA Game commission at (717) 787-4250
Maybe. They may be used to take small game, but not deer. They may not be used to hunt migratory birds, such as dove, ducks, or geese. Semi-automatic rifles may not be used. So if you want to squirrel hunt with a bolt action .22, you should be legal.
rifles are used for war and legal hunting. I want to use it for shooting "cans".