They are not harmful they are very
nice animals they do not hurt anyone or anything.
Penguins are neither helpful nor harmful to humans. They play a vital role in their ecosystem by serving as indicators of environmental health and contributing to the food chain as both predators and prey. Human activities, such as climate change and overfishing, can impact penguin populations negatively.
Chipmunks can be both harmful and helpful. While they eat insects that can damage gardens and crops, they also consume and damage seeds, fruits, and bulbs. Additionally, chipmunks can carry diseases and parasites that may be harmful to humans and pets.
Ants can be both helpful and harmful. They are beneficial to the environment by aerating the soil, controlling pests, and recycling organic matter. However, certain ant species can also be pests, causing damage to crops, invading homes, and inflicting painful bites.
Penguins have a specialized gland near their tails called the "cloaca" which handles both waste and reproduction. They expel urine and feces together as a white paste, which helps prevent dehydration by conserving water. This adaptation is helpful for penguins' survival in cold and dry Antarctic environments.
lion are useful and harmful
Penguins and polar bears are both found in polar regions but live on different polesβthe South Pole for penguins and the North Pole for polar bears. They both have adaptations to survive in cold environments, such as thick layers of blubber for polar bears and dense waterproof feathers for penguins. However, they belong to different animal groups, with polar bears being mammals and penguins being birds.
Sandpaper is both helpful and harmful.
they are helpful because they are
They are more helpful than harmful. My two gerbils are both helpful. They've helped me in many ways and so that's why I say they're more of helpful than harmful.
Both only when it infects it is harmful
They are helpful because they clean out intestines. they are harmful because they can cause diseases
computer.. both helpful and not..
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Bacteria can be both harmful and helpful. Harmful bacteria can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants. However, some bacteria are beneficial and play important roles in processes like digestion, nutrient cycling, and decomposition.
a bacillus bacteria
Both. It depends what type of octopus it is.