Otters, like many other animal species, can exhibit homosexual or same-sex behaviors. These behaviors can serve various social, reproductive, or bonding purposes within their communities. It is important to recognize that same-sex behaviors are common in the animal kingdom and are a natural part of their social interactions.
A Holt is a dwelling place or nest for otters. A group of otters is known as a Holt, so otters live in a Holt.
No, they are called teats. The milk sack is called the udder. Otters, on the other hand, are water loving animals.
Yes, otters are known to eat ducks as part of their diet. Otters are opportunistic feeders and can hunt a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, and birds like ducks.
otters, mink, possibly buzzards
The number of otters would likely decrease because water insects are a primary food source for otters. Without their main prey, otters would have a harder time finding enough food to sustain their population. This could lead to a decline in otter numbers due to starvation and increased competition for limited resources.
The plural of otter is otters.
There are sea otters and other otters. In the category of "other" otters, you can include the North American River Otter, Giant Otter of South America, Asian small clawed otters, Congo clawless otters, Capr clawless otters, Southern river otters, hairy nosed otters, spot necked otters, neo tropical long tailed otters, and others I may fail to mention.
mostly river otters, sea otters and other types of otters.
yes, sea otters have young sea otters called pups
No. Otters are not native to Australia. Apart from the occasional zoo, there are no otters in Australia.
There are 13 species of otters.
There are both freshwater (river otters) and salt water otters.
Sea otters usually have a baby but at times it can also have twins
There are otters found in Scotland. It should be noted that they are not technically 'sea' otters as these are a sub species found along the coast of Japan, Canada and USA. Otters found in Scotland are Eurasian or European otters.
Otters are not native to Australia. Apart from the occasional zoo, there are no otters in Australia.