They're supposed to be good enough at preventing pregnancy, but they don't protect against STDs as well.
Yes. Just make sure there is plenty of lubrication (natural or otherwise) as some condoms (latex ones especially) can cause a lot of friction which can be very uncomfortable for the woman. Make sure the lubricant you use is compatible with latex as some will actually dissolve the condom. Talk about a turnoff!
Not to condoms as such, but to the material they're made of. Luckily they are nowadays available in two different materials, so check what you've been using and get the other kind the next time.
just latex
From the functionality perspective, both are better. This is not just another contraceptive sheath but was also designed to fit the female anatomy. Over 20 years now it has been in the market but still male condom is more popular. Overall male condoms have ease of use of male condom. Female condoms are usually made of nitrile sheath as against latex and offers more lubrication.
Just paint it on if the latex is adhering well.
No, there are no risks when using a latex mattress. Using a latex mattress is just as safe as using any other normal spring mattress.
They aren't, it was just a rumour.
Get you to waste your money. Just try different colored condoms if you want something different. lol
When you can legally consent to sex. a medical professional can perform allergy tests and determine what, if anything, you're allergic to. Allergies can occur from spermicide on condoms, from soap, even from detergents used to wash washcloths and towels. Early symptoms of an STD may appear to be an allergic rash. You need to go to a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.Also, there are non latex condoms that can be safely used by people with latex allergies. Anyone who refuses to use condoms due to an allergy is simply being irresponsible for their health and the health of their partners.AnswerAs well, if you have a latex allergy you would be allergic to all latex not just latex condoms."Symptoms of Latex Allergy Irritant contact dermatitis (nonimmune)Gradual onset, over days, caused by hand washing, occlusion, antiseptics and glove chemicals; symptoms include redness, cracks, fissures, scaling Allergic contact dermatitis, or type IV (delayed hypersensitivity)Onset six to 48 hours after contact, caused by chemicals; symptoms include erythema, vesicles, papules, pruritus, blisters, crusting Immediate hypersensitivity, or type IOnset within minutes, very rarely longer than two hours, caused by latex; symptoms include local and generalized urticaria, feeling of faintness, feeling of impending doom, angioedema, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, rhinoconjunctivitis, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock "You get itchy
hahaha idiot
As someone who sells both feather by PCF and latex from Latex Mattress Company, I feel qualified to answer. Hands down, latex is going to offer the most durable product and perhaps more comfort as well. I've seen latex mattresses last over 50 years without changing. Feather products are not really designed to give you support, more so just to soften up an existing bed. I guess it really depends on what you consider to be "better." To add to that, latex would be my choice as well. Latex toppers create pressure relieving surfaces while being much more supportive than a feather topper, and organic latex toppers are produced from all natural materials, which can help with allergies.