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They can be used as Both

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Q: Are mocasins shoes or slippers
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Do ugg mocasins stretch?

not sure do they get have ugg mocasins ? but if you're planning on buying mocasins get them from get outside shoes they are really nice.

What clothes or shoes begins with the letter M?

Mocasins Mukluks Maternity Dress Mittens

What kind of shoes do Cherokee Indians ware?

the cherokee indians wore shoes called mocasins with different colors on them!

Are bearpaw slippers shoes?

Yes! They are made to be shoes not slippers.

Can you wear volleyball shoes for tennis?

Yes you can we’re tent shoes but not slippers

What material were Aboriginal shoes made of?

Well, there were various types of aboriginal tribes, who did things differently, so being more specific could help you, but usually they wore mocasins in the winter. Mocasins are made of leather and fur, I beleive.

What is 6 things beginning with the letter s that you can wear on your feet?

Shoes sandals socks slippers

What are shoes resembling ballet slippers known as?

pointe shoes

Slip on shoes?

pumps, slippers

Where can a person go to find sales on a large variety of slippers and shoes?

Slippers and shoes can be found on many different websites all over the web. Common stores people shop at for slippers and shoes are Target, Zappos and Amazon.

Are moccasins slippers or shoes?

deff slippers...but i wear mine to school....there SO comfy!

How are ballet slippers made?

Do you mean pointe shoes or flat shoes?